Employee Form:

Request To Inspect Personnel File

Need information stored in your personnel file or payroll records? Please click the icon to fill out the request form for access to details of your personnel file and / or payroll records.

Employment Status:
Employment Location:
What type of information do you need?
Is there something specific you are looking for or we can help you with?
If you are requesting payroll records, please specify how you would like to recieve them:
If you are requesting personnel records, how would you like to receive them?
Timeline Obligations:
Privacy Obligation - AquaTech Swim is not obligated to make certain records available for my inspection or copies thereof because such records are considered confidential, including records related to the investigation of a possible criminal offense, letters of reference, ratings, reports or records that were obtained prior to my employment. I also understand that AquaTech Swim has the right to redact the names of any non-supervisory employee from any records made available for my inspection or copying. I understand that AquaTech Swim may charge me for the actual cost of photocopying any records requested by me:
Retention Obligation - AquaTech Swim is not obligated to retain my payroll or personnel records beyond three years following the termination of my employment:
Signature (please type):
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